Her Mom And Aunt Destroyed Her Room Decor And Threw It All In The Trash, So She’s Left Feeling Devastated Because She Spent Her Own Money On Everything

Natalia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Natalia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Natalia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This sixteen-year-old girl got grounded for the entire summer after she screamed at her mother and aunt. And it all started with a family visit.

Her aunt is from Latin America and, at the beginning of the summer, visited her home. And even though her aunt did have enough money to stay in a hotel room, her mother insisted that she give up her room for her aunt.

“It was no problem. I have the second biggest room, and it has a private bathroom. I am grown up enough to understand that my mom wants to visit with her sister– so I slept in the basement,” she recalled.

Plus, the basement had a very comfortable couch and her father’s gaming system all set up. So, she really was not upset about the temporary arrangement.

However, that was until one day later when she needed to get some stuff from her room. Both her mom and aunt were out of the house, so she figured she would just run in and grab whatever she needed.

But, after she walked inside, she was horrified. Every single piece of decor in her room was literally gone. It was as if her posters, pictures, and mementos from concerts had all vanished.

She was understandably shocked and started searching around the room to find where her aunt had put them. Yet, she was again at a loss for words because everything was nowhere to be found.

Finally, she did eventually find all of her stuff– but it was actually in the garbage can on the curb.

“A lot of it was ripped to shreds. She didn’t take out the tacks or anything. She just tore it off the walls and destroyed it. I also found some concert t-shirts– also destroyed,” she explained.

Natalia – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I am still devastated. Some of these bands I will never see again. And everything was purchased with my own money.”

So, if you cannot imagine, she totally freaked out on her mother and aunt after they got home. She knew that her mother had to have played some role in it, too, since the garbage bag was obviously from her house, and her stuff had been sitting on the curb awaiting garbage day.

But, her aunt’s only excuse was that “a woman should not have things like that.” Her aunt also said she was going to hell for her interests.

This puzzled her even more since there was nothing provocative on her walls. Sure, some of the posters might have had riskier imagery, but nothing that a priest would throw holy water at, she said.

Nonetheless, at the end of the argument, she ended up getting grounded by her mother for yelling at her aunt.

This seriously pissed her off, but her plan was to wait for her father to arrive home. Then, once he did, she explained everything.

And thankfully, he did agree that the actions of her mom and aunt were not warranted. Still, though, she remained grounded because her parents do not go against each other’s disciplinary efforts.

Her father did do one more thing, though, to show his support for her. Her parents have a family vacation fund that they add to every year for an annual family vacation.

So, following the argument, he transferred a large amount of that money to her account right in front of her mother and aunt so she could be refunded for her lost items.

“Then, he told my mom we aren’t going next year because now, we cannot afford it,” she said.

Of course, this caused her mom to be a bit dramatic and start crying. Still, once the tears began to shed, her father told his wife to knock it off or else he would tell everyone that it was her fault the vacation was off.

Despite her father kind of coming through for her, though, her mother is even more furious with her now. In fact, her mom is saying she completely overreacted and acted like a total jerk.

In turn, she has been left wondering if getting angry and yelling about her room being destroyed was unreasonable or totally within her rights.

What would you have done if you found your room destroyed like that? Do you think she should feel guilty for yelling after that?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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