A Florida High School Teacher Was Arrested After A Teen Who Went Missing Last Friday Was Found Hidden In Her Home And She Allegedly Was Aware That This Boy Was Reported Missing

On Friday, August 12, parents of a Charlotte County, Florida teen reported their son missing.

And for five days, the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office and the boy’s parents frantically tried to locate him.

Then, on August 17, detectives received a tip from the boy’s parents that pointed them toward the home of Charlotte High School teacher Kelly Simpson.

Once inside, authorities did locate the missing boy within Simpson’s home.

Then, officers placed her under arrest for one count of interfering with the custody of a minor. She has since been bonded for five thousand dollars.

Simpson allegedly picked the teen up from an unknown location before she concealed his whereabouts from both police and the boy’s family despite her allegedly being aware of his missing and endangered status.

Following the arrest, the Charlotte County Public Schools Public Information Officer has since issued a statement regarding Simpson’s employment status in the school district.

“Charlotte County Public Schools takes an incident such as this very seriously. The safety, protection, and well-being of our students are a top priority,” the statement began.

Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office; pictured above is Kelly

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“The teacher arrested was employed at Charlotte High School and has been placed on Administrative Leave.”

“Charlotte County Public Schools can not comment on the arrest as there is an ongoing investigation by the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office.”

The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office also updated the community regarding the teen’s whereabouts and Simpson’s arrest in a Facebook post– which has since prompted over four hundred divisive comments from Florida community members.

Some responses suggested that Simpson may have been protecting the teen from a dangerous situation.

“Maybe the child was in danger or an abusive situation. Pretty crazy for her to do it for nothing!” wrote one user.

“Maybe she was doing it to protect the child?” asked a second.

However, these suspicions are purely speculative and have not been confirmed by authorities.

On the other hand, other commenters wrote that even if Simpson was well-intentioned, she should have never kept a minor in her home.

“Prayers for the family and the child. This teacher knew the proper way in which to handle the situation, and yet she broke the law. Up to the courts to sort this out, not us to assume or judge,” wrote one commenter.

“Her fate as an educated is pretty much sealed. Sad for all involved,” added another.

So far, the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed that the investigation is still open, and further information will eventually be made available to the public.

In the meantime, to remain updated on the case, you can follow the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook account linked here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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