This Coach Purse Found At Goodwill Not Only Had $300 Cash Inside But Also A Gossip-Filled Note From Its Previous Owner

Have you ever had to clean out a closet? Most of the time, people rush through the task– taking a couple of glances at an item before tossing it in a “yes” or “no” pile.

Then, in the end, the throwaway items either end up in the garbage or donated to Goodwill.

Well, one woman’s viral video is now forcing millions of people to reconsider what items they have donated.

The TikToker named Martha found a Coach purse at Goodwill for only seven dollars and thought it was a steal. All the bag needed was some tender love and care.

So, she emptied out the inside pockets and then decided to lift up the bag’s lower lining. What she found inside was mind-blowing.

Martha discovered an envelope filled with three hundred dollars in cash. But, that was not all– the envelope also had a message written on it from the purse’s previous owner.

“I have three children. They will give my things to Goodwill when I die. So, I am putting their inheritance inside all of my favorite things,” the note began.

“This Coach bag was given to me years ago by my husband’s girlfriend. Well, actually, I came home early from a visit to my parent’s house in Connecticut. She must have left quickly because she forgot her bag and shoes,” the note continued.

TikTok; pictured above is Martha

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“I carried this bag every day. I wonder if my husband ever knew this was his girlfriend’s. I carried it daily, and I am giving it away because my kids do not want it.”

“So, go buy yourself a new bag. Love, Martha,” finished the bag’s previous owner, who was also apparently named Martha.

The purse’s cash and accompanying story have left the TikTok community utterly shocked. The video gained 9.1 million views, 1.9 million likes, and spurred over twenty thousand comments.

“MARTHA IS AN ICON!” commented Coach themselves.

“Martha was clearly a badass woman. The fact that she included all the tea along with the cash,” wrote another user.

“I cannot decide what is better. The story or hiding the inheritance or getting all of this for $6.99,” pondered a third user.

We cannot decide, either. All we know is the next time you consider donating something to Goodwill, be sure to inspect the lining first!

And to watch the original TikTok, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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