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She’s Been Constantly Excluded From Her Husband’s Family Dinners So She Decided To Show Up Anyway

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This woman has been with her husband for five years and married for three. However, when she realized she was only being invited to some of his family dinners with his parents, brothers, and their significant others, she realized something might be off in their relationship.

She then recently made a bold move to figure out if she was the only person left out of these dinners.

She showed up at the same restaurant and stopped by her husband’s family’s table on the way to the restroom.

Her husband reacted badly and interrogated her intentions, and she shared that his mother said, “it was very rude of me to interrupt their family dinner.”

Besides the fact that her son’s wife is a part of her family, her husband’s refusal to advocate for her presence was also a huge red flag, and she decided to confront him about it.

But instead, he responded to her questions about why she wasn’t invited with vague answers, telling her “the decision to invite was between him and his family, and I should respect it.”

Commenters quickly realized something was up and questioned if there was another factor at play in his family’s cold behavior toward her.

Though she felt self-conscious about her decision to show up at the restaurant, Reddit users reassured her that her actions had been justified.

One person wrote, “You did something petty, yes, but you did it because of the family, including your husband, is disrespecting you and that’s valid.”

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