
She Was Assaulted In Las Vegas And Shared Her Story On TikTok: Now, Her Viral Videos Have Reopened An Important Conversation Around Victim-Blaming

While in Las Vegas, TikToker Ariel Lyndsey was assaulted on February 13. After recording a confrontation with her assaulter and posting it on the platform, Ariel’s TikTok went viral.

“We had just gotten to Vegas and got ready for dinner. We were walking through the hotel when it happened,” Ariel captioned the video.

In the first clip, Ariel is understandably emotional and tells the man to get away from her. The man smiles toward the camera, seemingly unbothered, and runs into the men’s restroom.

Next, Ariel frantically asks the hotel staff if they are security. She described the situation to multiple hotel employees while waiting for security to arrive at the restroom.

“He put his hand up my…skirt, and he literally grabbed me. What a sicko,” Ariel said through tears, “This has happened to me one time before in Santa Monica, and I regret not stopping it so much. I told myself that if it ever happens again, I am not just going to let it happen.”

The man does try to exit the restroom after some time, and Ariel attempts to block him from leaving. He did successfully push past Ariel and her friends.

“This video is frustrating to watch because I wish we had stopped him or had more help sooner,” Ariel wrote on her TikTok, “It took over five minutes for security to come, and he got away.”

Once the security guard did arrive, Ariel had to stand her ground and rehash the traumatic experience again.

TikTok; pictured above is Ariel in one of her videos

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