
Waiters And Waitresses Share The Worst First Dates They Have Ever Witnessed

“I went over and casually asked if they needed anything, and the dude stopped. The woman yanked her hand back and left soon after.”


This Poor Man Got An Earful

“A young guy had a reservation for six and came in a few minutes early. He told me he was kind of nervous because it was a first date, and he had not been on many before. It was sweet, really.”

“Anyway, the girl arrived about half an hour late and proceeded to get very, very drunk. About mid-way through the meal, she answered her phone and started talking about her date right in front of her date.”

“She said things like, ‘Well, he’s not usually my type. I don’t exactly like him, but I felt like why not?'”

“The young man looked so discouraged. He walked up to me, paid his bill, and left.”


This Server Witnessed A Catfish Encounter

“There was a young guy eating dinner with his mom. I noticed that they seemed weirdly uncomfortable and distant, but I did not think much of it.”

“It turned out that the lady was not his mom. He had met her on a dating site and was very clearly catfished. The lady was at least twenty years older than him.”

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