
She Freaked Out On Her Fiancé’s Family At A Dinner And She’s Considering Canceling Their Wedding

When Chris and Tony’s dad then asked Chris how much he spent on the trip, Chris mentioned it cost him approximately $4,000 and their dad laughed before raising up his glass.

“I just snapped,” she admitted. “I said “do we always have to sit around and watch you all flash your money and perfect lives in our face constantly?”

“I am sure it’s super easy to throw a bunch of money into all this stuff when you have litterally no responsibility to anyone else. Maybe we could live like that too if we didnt have to worry about saving for college and moving into better school districts!”

Well, the remainder of the evening was weird after that, and she does think that her behavior that night wasn’t exactly the best, though she wants to no longer feel like she’s less than Tony’s family.

At the end of the night, Tony’s mom and dad told him that they were not happy with what she had said at dinner.

Tony’s parents went on to insist that Ashley and Chris work extremely hard to have all of the things that they do.

In the end, Tony’s parents then made it clear that she doesn’t have a right to take her feelings out on Ashley and Chris for not being happy with her own life and choices.

After overhearing this conversation that Tony’s parents had with him, she’s pretty convinced that she doesn’t want to “marry into” Tony’s family at all.

“I found out they also think that my fiance gave me the impression he was financially better off than he was(somewhat true), I tried to baby trap him(not true), and now I am mad to find out he lied and I am upset about that, but that is my problem and no one else’s,” she concluded.

She really believes it might be best to call off their wedding. You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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