
She Freaked Out On Her Fiancé’s Family At A Dinner And She’s Considering Canceling Their Wedding

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A woman first was introduced to her now fiancé 5 years ago. Back then, she told her friend and coworker named Ashley that if her boyfriend had a brother she would love to get hooked up with him.

Ashley’s boyfriend Chris was so lovely, and she only meant it as a joke if Chris had a brother, but Chris did have a brother…named Tony.

So, Ashley arranged for her to meet Chris’s brother Tony and the rest is history, as she is currently engaged to Tony.

4 years ago, she and Tony welcomed their son into the world, and since then, she has given up her job to stay home with their son.

“I am a SAHM, and we are fairly comfortable, not a lot of extra but things are pretty steady, which I am happy about,” she explained.

“The issue is, is ALL I DO is take care of the house and our son. There is no me time, no us time, just all the mom stuff.”

Ashley and Chris are married, and they both work really good jobs and don’t have any children. In comparison to her and Tony, Ashley and Chris have what seems to be nearly unlimited money and time to do what they want.

“They are always getting eachother random gifts, spending money, going on fancy dates or trips, that of course we hear all about,” she said.

“And over the years I have gotten tired of hearing about it as they seem to enjoy flaunting it.”

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