
Her Boyfriend Proposed To Her With A $200 Ring, Even Though He Makes A Lot Of Money, And She’s Doubting If She Wants To Be With Him

“Which has cost him a lot more than this tiny piece of nothing he proposed to me with…”

Going back to the actual proposal; she did say yes to her boyfriend even though she was left feeling super disappointed with the cheap ring.

She expects to wear an engagement ring for the rest of her life, and she doesn’t want hers to be inexpensive.

“I think our relationship is in trouble, thanks to his proposal,” she said. “I was a happy gal yesterday, happy on her holiday with no expectations of a proposal.”

“Now I feel like s***. What do I do now? Tell him I need a proper ring?”

Do you think it’s ok for her to ask him to buy her a more expensive ring? Or should she just say nothing?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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