After He Moved In With His Girlfriend She Put On A Ton Of Weight And He’s Scared For Her - - -

A 23-year-old man has been dating his 21-year-old girlfriend for 2 years, and around 1 year ago they decided to move in with one another.

Right after his girlfriend moved in with him though, she began to mimic his own eating habits, which he admits are not healthy or good.

Even though he doesn’t eat the greatest, he works a job where he is on his feet every single day and he burns off all of the calories that he consumes.

He’s 6’3″ and 145 pounds, and he knows his metabolism is also quite fast. In contrast, his girlfriend works in front of a computer and isn’t as active throughout the day as he is.

Since they’ve moved in together, his girlfriend has put on a ton of weight and he’s scared for her.

“Now, I know this might sound bad or something, but I want us both to be the healthiest we can and look the best we can,” he explained.

“I mean we’re in our prime, why shouldn’t we? If the change is drastic enough for me to see, she must notice too, right?”

“After living together and her taking on my eating habits though I’ve seen a significant change in her weight.”

He is still attracted to his girlfriend, and he envisions spending the rest of his life with her, but he’s seriously concerned she’s going to continue to gain weight and put her health at risk. –

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He estimates that his girlfriend was 10 or 15 pounds skinnier before they did move in together.

“I’ve tried to work out together in our basement, but she has almost no desire to or drive to do these things,” he said.

“She always says tomorrow. Thanks for the read, and if you have any advice on what we can do it would be greatly appreciated.”

He wants both of them to be their “best” and “healthiest selves” so that’s why he wants to figure out a way to talk to her about this.

What’s the best way that he can bring this up to his girlfriend without hurting her feelings?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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