
Gorgeous 22-Year-Old Vanishes After Partying With A Much Older Man And Begging Her Best Friend For A Ride, Then 12 Days Later Her Phone Calls 911 From The Woods

It was completely out of character for her to just go dark.

Days after she went missing from Brian’s house and send Chad those bizarre messages, there still was no word from Cheyann. No sign of her. Her dad reported her as missing, worried that she had not come home.

12 days later, on December 11th, a 911 call is made from Cheyann’s phone.

Facebook; Cheyann is pictured above inside a car

It’s not clear if Cheyann placed the call to 911 or if someone else did. When the operator picked up, there was nobody audible on the other end of the line. Just silence.

Despite this, authorities were able to track where the 911 had come from, and it was in the middle of the woods; Mallard Lake Forest Preserve to be exact.

The preserve is located 18 miles from Cheyann’s house and 20 miles away from Brian’s….much too far for her to have walked all the way out there. Remember, she didn’t have a car.

Authorities and volunteers with the Missing Persons Awareness Network conducted multiple searches across all 86 acres of Mallard Lake Forest Preserve, but they still have not been able to find Cheyann…or her phone.

Brian has been nothing but open and honest with authorities, so he has not been and is still not a person of interest in Cheyann’s disappearance.

He permitted them to search his home, his phone, his laptop, and nothing has come up to link him to having anything to do with this case.

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