
You Don’t Have To Splurge On High-End Brands To Emulate The “Old Money Aesthetic” With These Versatile Outfit Ideas

Dmitry Tsvetkov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever looked at sophisticated people who come from old money and wanted to emulate their style but then realized you may not be able to because you’re not from, well, old money?

Here’s the thing about the ‘old money aesthetic’ and old money style. While you may not be able to afford the high-end brands they wear or don’t have some expensive and vintage hand-me-down jewels and clothes from family, you can still channel and recreate old money vibes.

If you want to strut some old money-esque outfits this year, here are some ideas for you.

A tweed dress and a great bag

Few things scream ‘old money’ more than a tweed dress. They’re preppy, sophisticated, and super adorable.

Scour your local thrift store or shop online for a tweed dress that compliments your figure and comes in a color you love. To really up the ante of the tweed dress and feel more sophisticated, carry around a great bag, preferably vintage or designer, if you have it!

A vest and dress pants

I’ve always loved how old money fashion has a sort of equestrian influence. A vest and dress pant combo gives a very cool vibe, and if you like your outfits to have a bit more of a masculine look, they are perfect.

You can mix and match the colors of the vest and pants or go for a monochrome moment.

Dmitry Tsvetkov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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