
Her Dad Divorced Her Mom And Abandoned Her After Finding Out She Was The Product Of Her Mom’s Affair With Another Man, So When He Recently Tried To Re-Enter Her Life, She Said That She Could Never Love Her Dad Again

Valerii Honcharuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Before this 17-year-old girl’s mother and father married, her mother had hooked up with her high school sweetheart when she ran into him on the night of her bachelorette party. She always thought her father was her biological father. There was no reason for her to think otherwise.

However, when she was 10, her biological father, the man with whom her mother had a one-night stand before marriage, moved back to their hometown.

The man started working at the same company where her father worked, and her mother started behaving strangely. Even though she was a young child, she could tell something was going on.

Her father also caught onto the sudden change in his wife’s behavior. He noticed the resemblance between her, the girl he’d always thought to be his biological daughter and the man who just started working with him.

So, her father did a DNA test and learned that he wasn’t her biological father after all. Her father was furious and demanded an answer from her mother, who initially refused to tell him anything.

“My dad threatened divorce, and then my mom caved and told the truth. My dad divorced her anyway and had my mom take full custody of me. He also told me that I wasn’t his responsibility since I wasn’t his kid, and to ask my read dad to care for me,” she said.

Unfortunately, her biological father didn’t want to have a relationship with her. Several months after her father and mother divorced, her biological father moved out of town again.

Even though her father has legal visitation, he doesn’t see her. He’s since moved in with a new woman and eventually married her.

“My mom blamed me for my dad divorcing her, so she handed me over to my aunt, who told her to stop using me as an emotional punching bag once she noticed that I was being mistreated,” she explained.

Valerii Honcharuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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