
He Broke Up With His Girlfriend Because She Expected Him To Play Dad To Her Three Kids From A Previous Relationship

Gajus - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

This young man is 19-years-old and was in a relationship with a 29-year-old woman who had three children from her previous relationship.

While that fact might have scared off other men, though, he was happy to try and make it work with her and her kids.

“When we first got together, I was open to being involved in their lives to some extent,” he recalled.

However, as he and his girlfriend’s relationship went on, she expected him to take on a fatherly role in the children’s lives, and he simply was not ready for that.

For instance, his girlfriend expected him to discipline her kids when they misbehaved. She also wanted him to help support them financially and act like an overall father figure while she focused on furthering her career.

This made him feel seriously overwhelmed and like he was way “out of his depth,” too.

“I’m still trying to figure out my own life, and suddenly being thrust into a parental role was way too much for me to handle,” he explained.

So, he tried to voice his concerns to his girlfriend, but she just brushed him off. Then, she even claimed that he needed to “step up” and be more responsible.

As time went on, though, he just kept feeling more uneasy and uncomfortable, and eventually, he couldn’t ignore it anymore.

Gajus – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

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