
Three Minutes Into A Date, The Guy Ditched Her, So She Went Into Target To Cry Before She Could Safely Drive Home

FrnStudio - - illustrative purposes only

This young woman is on a dating app, and she does make sure she includes photos of herself that depict her whole body.

She also is open about her height, never filters any of her pictures, and makes it clear that she’s not exactly a skinny Minnie.

For the last several weeks, she’s been talking to a 42-year-old man she met online, and they also have spoken twice on the phone for over two hours each time.

Last Friday, they decided to go out on their first date. She made sure he still was interested in going out before getting herself ready to meet him.

They planned to have coffee together and wanted everything to be casual.

“When I got there, the coffee shop we were meeting at was closed. So I got out of my car, and we found another place to meet across town,” she explained.

“When I arrived at the new location, he had sent me this message, “You are sweet, but the chemistry just wasn’t there for me. It’s possible I’m just meant to be alone. I wish you all the best. I enjoyed our conversations, but I don’t want to waste yours or mine. I need someone smaller in size so I can feel more secure about myself and my size. But I’ll take partial credit for texting ASAP?”

Now, on this guy’s dating profile, he said he was 5’7″, which is her same height. However, when she got out of her car, she could clearly see he was five inches shorter than she was.

She doesn’t mind if a man is shorter than she is, and she feels like she was going out of her comfort zone to agree to go on a date with this guy in the first place since he’s not really her type.

FrnStudio – – illustrative purposes only

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