
She’s Considering Moving Out And Giving Her Boyfriend An Ultimatum In Order To Get Him To Finally Propose To Her

Oguz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman and her 34-year-old boyfriend have been dating for nearly eight years now. Six years ago, they moved in together, and four years ago, they went shopping for an engagement ring.

Although they have looked at different rings, her boyfriend has not bought one for her or come up with plans to propose to her yet.

Additionally, they’re continuously having two problems in their relationship: how much her boyfriend drinks/stays out super late without letting her know and their lack of physical closeness.

She’s done her best to sit down with him on several different occasions to try to address this with him, but to no avail.

“I feel like I’ve been patient and have given him multiple opportunities to grow as a person,” she explained.

“But I’m getting impatient because I want to start my life, get married, purchase a home, and make amazing memories.”

“I know he loves me, and I love him too, but I feel that’s not enough anymore. I need a partner who is willing to put in more effort in the relationship, save up money so we can move out, get a better job, and who wants to spend quality one-on-one time with me.”

But her boyfriend isn’t doing a good job in any of these respects, and she’s sick and tired of talking to him about this over and over again.

While her boyfriend is sympathetic to what she’s upset about and says he wants what she wants, he never takes action on his end.

Oguz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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