
She Doesn’t Want Her Husband To Go On Two Different Bachelor Party Trips While She’s Left Home Alone With Their Daughter

bnenin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby

This 31-year-old woman and her husband, 30, had a baby daughter recently, who is wonderful but understandably a handful. Most of the time, she’s incredibly tired when her husband arrives home from work.

“He is an incredible partner and teammate in all of this, and I am so thankful for him and everything he does for our family,” she said.

Since neither of their families live near them, they do most of the childcare themselves.

She and her husband alternate caring for their daughter so they have time away from their child to work out and see their friends about twice a week.

Her husband is participating in a few weddings this year and was invited to two bachelor parties.

“I agreed to hold down the fort for a weekend in June so he could go to the one within driving distance of our home. He recently asked me about going to another two weeks later in Vegas,” she explained.

A couple of the guys in the friend group attending the bachelor party also have weddings coming up, and she and her husband are planning to attend their weddings. But she doesn’t want to stop her husband from socializing and making memories with his friends.

“The thought of him being away another weekend gives me extreme anxiety in having to do it all by myself. I’m also surprised he’s even asking me to do this,” she shared.

She contacted a friend to help care for the baby during the first bachelor party weekend.

bnenin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby

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