
Science Says These Are The Best Ways To Attract More Butterflies To Your Garden, Benefitting Both Your Local Environment And The Species As A Whole

MediaMarketing - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual butterfly

I’ve always felt that butterflies are one of the most beautiful creatures on this planet. Not only are they beautiful, but they’re symbolic and bring joy to people of all ages. Anytime I see one fluttering close to me on a spring day, I get excited and stare in awe like a little kid.

If you have a yard and wish to see more butterflies fluttering around your area, there are ways to do it.

recent study published in the Science of The Total Environment shows us how to attract more butterflies to our yards in a way that’s beneficial to the environment and the species as a whole.

Using data from Great Britain’s Garden Butterfly Survey, scientists gathered information on ways you can make your yard more butterfly and wildlife-friendly.

If you use your yard for a lot of busy things like a pool, trampoline, sports, etc., these tips may not be right for you, as this data suggests more undisturbed yards will attract more butterflies.

Additionally, if you can’t stand having grass that isn’t routinely cut, you may not want a butterfly-attracting garden.

The data collected shows that long, tall grass attracts butterflies, as it gives them a safe space to lay their eggs.

Of course, it is easier to keep an area of long grass in a more rural setting that’s great for farming, but if a yard in a more urban setting has long, undisturbed grass, it can still attract butterflies.

There’s more you can add to your yard and garden to make it a butterfly’s paradise, and that’s flowering ivy.

MediaMarketing – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual butterfly

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