
His Adopted Son Is Ruining His Room, But If He Kicks Him Out, He’ll Be Homeless

sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Half a year ago, this 30-year-old man and his 30-year-old wife ended up essentially adopting an 18-year-old boy named Fred.

He’s actually been mentoring Fred for the last two years, and Fred’s family recently moved to another state.

Fred was not alright with moving, and Fred’s family moved regardless, leaving him behind. Fred’s family considers 18 to be an adult, so they didn’t give Fred any financial assistance or a way to support himself.

“My wife and I live in a larger house (nearly 4,000 square feet) in a major metropolitan city, where we had already put together an incredible suite for guests,” he explained.

“The room includes a bathroom, TV area, furnishings, and a kitchenette. Naturally, we offered this room to Fred.”

“We drafted up a lease for the room with common areas being the home gym, theater, kitchen, dining room, everywhere but our bedroom and offices.”

One-bedrooms rent for $1,800 and up where they live, and he expected Fred to pay some money toward rent because learning how to handle that is an important life skill.

He set Fred’s rent at $200 a month. Fred has a job at a grocery store, and he works only one day a week.

Fred has been paying his rent on time for the most part, as he was only late by two months on one occasion.

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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