
Her Husband Is Writing A Book, And He Calls Her Selfish When She Asks To Spend Time With Him

Prostock-studio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman met her 34-year-old husband 11 years ago, and they got married in 2020. She and her husband have never wanted kids, and have been really happy together.

Her husband always made the time to take her out on dates despite their hectic schedules, and he did a wonderful job of making her feel special.

She works part-time and does all of the chores around their house. Meanwhile, her husband has a typical 9-to-5 and pitches in to help with household work around the hours he’s at his job.

Her husband wants more than his career can give him, and he frequently says it’s like he’s stuck where he is. This is true, as his job has no upward mobility.

9 months ago, her husband mentioned he wanted to write a book. When he was a kid, he was into writing, but it never occurred to him that he had what it took to write an entire story.

6 months ago, her husband actually set to work on his book, and she was proud of him for trying to accomplish his goal.

Unfortunately, her husband has put all of his free time into his book, and it’s at the expense of their marriage.

He does still help with chores, but he’s started to ignore her. Every single weekend and evening, her husband toils away on his novel.

She expected her husband to balance his new pursuit with making time in his life for her, but she’s the last priority on his list.

Prostock-studio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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