
He Never Told His Girlfriend That He Was Married And Is Still Friends With His Ex-Wife

Oleksii - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his girlfriend have been together for just under a year. But, when they first started dating, he didn’t immediately tell her that he had been married once before and he was still friends with his ex-wife.

“Since it’s a bit awkward to talk about exes during the first few dates,” he reasoned.

Then, once they decided to make their relationship official, he had fully intended to tell his girlfriend about his previous marriage.

So, he tried talking to her one day – claiming that, before they become any more serious, they should share some details of their pasts with each other.

To his surprise, though, his girlfriend just stopped him dead in his tracks, literally. She told him to “stop right there” and claimed he had no business asking about any of her exes.

“I tried to tell her that I did have something important to say to her,” he recalled.

“But she insisted that, ‘Whomever I slept with in the past is not your business; what matters is how we move forward.'”

Obviously, that really wasn’t what he meant, and he attempted to tell his girlfriend that, too. Regardless, she just doubled down on her belief that her past relationships didn’t matter.

At that point, he just asked if that same logic applied to him as well, and his girlfriend assured him that it did. So, he asked her one last time if she was sure, just to be safe, and they moved on from the topic.

Oleksii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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