
He Canceled The Surprise Birthday Party His Wife Was Planning For Him Behind Her Back Because He Made It Clear He Didn’t Want One, But His Wife Said He’s Too Controlling And Ruined Her Fun

luckybusiness - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 36-year-old man and his wife, who is 34, have been married for six years now. His wife also really loves to plan both parties and surprises for him.

So, for his birthday last year, she decided to throw him a surprise party – even though he told his wife on several occasions that he simply didn’t want one and would rather have a smaller celebration.

“I don’t like surprises and would prefer a quiet celebration with just the two of us,” he said.

Well, his wife apparently didn’t learn from what happened last year because she wound up doing the exact same thing this year. Plus, the surprise party she planned was even bigger than the last one!

He actually found out in advance, too, because one of his wife’s friends accidentally “slipped up” and spilled the beans about the celebration.

“I was upset because she knew how I felt about it,” he recalled.

That’s why he wound up canceling the party without informing his wife, and when she eventually found out about it, she was absolutely furious.

First, she accused him of “ruining” the party for her and her friends and ruining her fun. Then, his wife called him too controlling.

At that point, he tried to explain how he’d made his feelings about surprise parties very clear in the past, yet his wife proceeded to ignore his preferences anyway.

luckybusiness – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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