
His Stepmom Tried To Get Him To Tell His Mom That She Couldn’t Be At His High School Graduation, But He Told His Stepmom To Just Not Attend Since His Mom Was Definitely Going To Be There

fotoinfot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you have separated or divorced parents who have a lot of resentment toward each other, you’re often caught in the middle of their drama and put in difficult positions.

One teenager wants all of his parents, including his dad, stepmom, and mom, to be at his upcoming high school graduation, but they’re making it incredibly hard for him.

He’s 18-years-old and getting ready to graduate from high school. While he wants all his parents there, they’ve made it clear they don’t want that to happen.

When he was three, his mom and dad divorced after it was discovered that his dad was having an affair. To make matters worse, he was having an affair with his mom’s coworker and nemesis, whom she had a lot of tension with.

“There has always been speculation that this is why my stepmom willingly became the other woman; she disliked my mom,” he said.

“I was aware of this, and not because of my parents, but because of drama that would kick off with my dad’s side of the family. My parents did not get along after the affair, and tensions were high whenever my mom and stepmom were in the same room.”

Unfortunately, his mom and stepmom have never been able to form a civil relationship, especially concerning co-parenting him. After his parents divorced, his stepmom and dad tried desperately to have another child, but she lost three pregnancies. 

When it became more apparent that he would be the only child his stepmom would have, she and his dad asked his mom for more time with him, and his mom refused and was unsympathetic.

Since then, his mom and stepmom have refused to be in the same room with each other. They’d even have to arrange ways for other people to get him back and forth to his mom and dad’s houses, as they couldn’t even handle the drop-offs.

fotoinfot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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